3 tips for better results on social media
20 NOVEMBER 2014

3 tips for better results on social media

Social media is a thumbnail of our society, a living organism that changes daily and we must adapt to all the new challenges it creates. With 3 little secrets you can greatly improve your image on social media and perform more.

Stop constantly promoting your products or services

People usually visit social media usually to relax and have fun. He does not want to see pointless content and irrelevant ads. In order to reach the consumer audience, you need to offer essential content and not to constantly advertise your products. The advertising of your products and services should not exceed 1 post in the 4-5 posts you upload.

Use powerful images and videos

The A and the Z for social media. It is known that an image is equal to a thousand words but on social media an image may have a greater value. The audience is bombarded with thousands of pieces of information so they do not waste a single second on something that will not attract them from the first moment. So make sure you beat them in less than 1 second!

Do not make 5 posts in a day and then nothing

We all have limited time and many times we do not manage to deal with social media. This does not mean that the day you find some time you will bombard the audience with posts. Most social media sites allow us to schedule our posts. Distribute them throughout the week so that the audience receives the posts as often as possible. Even if you can not schedule them, save them on your computer and put a reminder to publish them within the week.